A Little Thanks Goes a Long Way [Infographic]

Infographic: www.kudosnow.com

To a majority of employees, appreciation is what matters most.

Undoubtedly, gratitude can be an important part of business. It often distinguishes the superior performing companies from mediocre ones. If you look at what employees would like, recognition and feeling appreciated takes priority even over higher wages.

Taking a look at this infographic from Kudos and Visual.ly, it is interesting to note the scope of employee appreciation.

Half of employees say they would leave their job if they felt they would be more appreciated and their work more recognized.

That’s 50 percent of all employees willing to jump ship, simply for a little recognition. There is no doubt how important it is, just like it should come as no surprise that appreciated employees do a better job.

The bottom line—if hard work is recognized, the employee is much more likely to work hard.

Also of note, 78 percent of employees say they would work harder if the were appreciated for their work. Companies engaged with their employees profit three times more than competitors.

The takeaway?  A simple “thank you” works wonders!

Infographic after the jump…

Infographics: www.kudosnow.com