Category: Hospitality HR News

Part-Time Workers: A “New Normal” in Hospitality, Retail

NPRAfter years of being battered by a slow economy, retailers and the hospitality industry are beginning to see a “new normal”—relying more on part-time workers to help keep costs in check. These groups of employees are asked to be extremely flexible—available to cover various shifts, often at a moment’s notice.

This new aspect of temporary workers, interns, contract labor and other part-time staff are changing the way many look at the concept of “work.” Increasingly, employees have to make due with variable and unpredictable schedules, making the most of every hour worked.

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Human Resource Issues in the Hospitality Industry

By C2 Trinity for

Hospitality HRNewsMany businesses in the hospitality industry – both small and large have difficulty in understanding their human resource and employment relations obligations whichever country or countries they operate in!

This is understandable given the raft of legislation and regulations governing (drowning) the employment environment in which governments seem to revel in.

The hospitality industry is certainly no exception and in many cases is more complex than the average business.

In this publication Biz Momentum will outline important employment matters that will assist in reducing the ‘stress’ factors you may be experiencing directly related to the hospitality industry which Biz Momentum is actively involved in a hands on capacity.

Did you know;

It has been reliably estimated that 75% of businesses do not have an employee agreements and employment related policies & procedures. In the event of a dispute the law will decide for you and this almost always goes against you, the employer;

Worldwide bullying and sexual harassment claims are escalating. The average cost of a claim is $36,500 – $250,000 and recently in one country an employee was awarded $1,000,000. This comes directly off your bottom line profit;

Workplace rape and sodomy is on the increase in the hospitality industry and we have witnessed the resultant trauma, ill will and bad publicity for your hotel, restaurant or workplace where this occurred…

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Quick Service Restaurants Offer Fix for U.S. Job Market

By Lorraine Woellert for Bloomberg Businessweek:

Hospitality HRNewsRachael Wright had culinary training, a bachelor’s degree in nutrition and a dream of putting her education to work. After a couple of years waiting tables and trying to launch her career, Wright finally went where the jobs are: quick-service food.

In September, she started at Protein Bar, a Chicago-based eatery specializing in low-sugar, high-fiber menus. The company says it seeks to marry fresh ingredients with convenience: Food is served in easy-to-carry bowls so customers can nosh while they walk. After multiple interviews, Wright landed an assistant manager job at the company’s new store in Washington.

“I was looking for something in product development,” said Wright, 26. “Even if that doesn’t happen, having this background in the healthful food industry should help me along the right path instead of going from restaurant to restaurant.”

Restaurants and bars are heading toward their strongest year of job growth since 2004, according to the National Restaurant Association, a Washington-based trade group, led by a proliferation of fast-food and quick-service outlets. Food services accounted for nearly 30 percent of the 96,000 jobs created in August, which also marked 19 consecutive months of growth for the sector, according to the Labor Department.

United States Department of Labor

The industry this year expanded payrolls by 2.9 percent as of the end of August, more than double the 1.4 percent increase in total U.S. employment, according to Labor Department data.

Read the entire article at Bloomberg Businessweek.

Top Ten: Legal Tips for Hospitality HR

In this litigious society, the hospitality industry—perhaps more than any other segment—has been the subject of numerous lawsuits, both frivolous and legitimate.

Hospitality HRNewsFor small business owners and HR professionals, changes in the legal landscape mean that you need constant vigilance to protect your company and stay out of court.

Although nothing can replace formal legal advice from a qualified attorney, here are some suggestions for hospitality HR, so your company can keep on the right side of the law:   Continue reading

Get Paid Well: Setting up a Payroll System

Image representing U.S. Small Business Adminis...
Image via CrunchBase

As a small business owner, you live by one fundamental truth—everyone wants to get paid!

Making sure your employees gets their paycheck—for the right amount and deductions—can be the top business priority.

Not sure? Go one week without payroll, and you will  find out quickly how loyal your employees really are!

If you operate a business with one employee or 100, you can appreciate the role of good payroll system. Having the right payroll system can save you time, energy and –most of all—money. Continue reading