How to Give Your Resume a Social Media Punch

Does your resume have a social media “punch?”

Resume with a social media punchFew people will argue that social media has an impact in our lives—, and have given us new ways to connect. offers an easy professional network that can be both independent and authentic.

The one thing to say about social media: the business world has certainly embraced it with a passion. With the ability to create “buzz,” social media has become the go-to stage for things like low-cost advertising, lead generation and connecting with consumers.

Perhaps the place where social media has had the biggest influence is talent management. Job searches, recruitment and candidate administration are all essentially social structures—a two way street custom-made for social media. Hiring has never been a one-sided proposition.

Your resume is no longer just on paper, it’s also online. Companies are just as likely to examine social media to learn about you.

In today’s job market, the questions persist: Do resumes have the social media “punch” to make it in the most competitive market in years.

Increasing interconnectivity means both candidates and employers can rely more on cross-functioning groups to make a hiring decision. This means casting a wider social “net” to increase your visibility to the right people.

Three tips to how to make your resume with a social media punch:

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Five Rules for the Perfectly Worded Resume

It’s easy to use the wrong words on a resume, but the real challenge is creating a perfectly worded resume.

Five rules that will help you create a strong, accurate and powerful resume—something that can really get you the job!

When writing resumes, it’s easy to talk about the words you want to avoid—empty, meaningless terms that have nothing to do with you getting you the job.

A bigger problem for job seekers is creating the perfectly worded resume.

It is true the wrong words can destroy your chances of getting the job, but the right words will surely improve your chances.

Creating a perfectly worded resume is not easy. There is no handy “list” of just the right words. A perfectly worded resume will vary depending on the job you are looking for.

However, there are five rules to get you started on the perfectly worded resume:

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How to Narrow the Perception Gap Between Millennials and Human Resources Pros

On a job search, human resources pros learn how you see yourself through two things: your resume and interview.

Millennials and Human Resources ProsProficiency, knowledge, and capacity to do a job are not tied to any single generation. In an interview, the hiring managers or human resources pros hold all the cards. In fact, theirs are the only cards that truly matters.

They are the only thing between “thank you for coming” and “you’re hired.”

Perception over Millennials—the generation just now entering the workforce in earnest—is where these young workers need to pay particular attention.

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7 Interview Mistakes That Scare Away Top Talent

Via Business 2 Community:

Employers may think they hold all the cards when it comes to interviewing job candidates, but they too can do things that will scare off would-be workers.

Interview (Photo credit: smiling_da_vinci)

That may not matter if it’s a low-level position the company is seeking to fill, but if its top talent the company is after, then interviewers have to tread carefully during the interview process.

“Employers scare off candidates probably more often than they realize,” says Crystal Miller, a strategist at Branded Strategies, the recruitment and brand strategy company. “Everything is geared toward what the candidate should and shouldn’t do. Many employers don’t realize it’s an audition for them too.”

The job market may be tight, but when it comes to sought-after skills, companies are increasingly competing for top talent. The worst thing a company wants to do is lose a potentially great employee because of bad behavior on the part of the interviewer. From being unprepared to saying inappropriate things, here’s a look at seven behaviors that will send potential employees running for the hills.

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SMS Recruitment: Connect to the One Thing Every Candidate Owns

The way to connect with the one thing every candidate owns–a cell phone–is with SMS recruitment.

SMS Recruitment

Almost everyone owns a mobile phone, but SMS (Short Message Service) in recruitment is amazingly underutilized. SMS recruitment is an untapped market, one that saves money and time, something which can clearly be appealing for any organization.

The advantage of SMS recruitment is that it saves administration costs. Bulk SMS communication takes only seconds to send, where individual phone calls take hours or days.

Everyone carries cell phones–including candidates

In a recent study, 80 percent of mobile phone owners carry their phones all the time. Text messages have become the most reliable form of contact.

Consequently, SMS is also an effective way to get the right person for a job.

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