Category: Top Ten

Valentines Day on the Job: How to Make Office Romance Work!

It’s that time again! The day that puts fear in the hearts of human resources pros—Valentine’s Day. Tips on how to make an office romance work!

(Photo credit: stevendepolo)

With hearts, candy, flowers and love, once again office romances are a hot topic for human resources. The extra difficulty is the fact that office romances have become more commonplace; one study found that, at one time or another, nearly 70 percent of employees had a romantic relationship at work.

No matter what size company, workplace romances can cause problems. For one, if the relationship goes sour, it can result in emotional distress for not only the employees directly involved, but also a reduction in workplace productivity, which directly impacts business.

There will always be risks in office romances. On the other hand, many happy relationships have come as a result of relationships beginning at work. Happy couples working together could have positive benefits like increased creativity, better performances and higher incentives.

It all goes to show, you just never know.

An office romance doesn’t have to be a problem, hurt a career, or even cause stress. Simply follow these ten tips:

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10 Job Search Blunders You Don’t Even Know You Are Making

Top Ten Ways to Make A Temp Job PermanantAt times, what makes a job search successful can be a mystery—something full of twists, dead-ends and head-scratching ambiguities.

Often, a job seeker makes some serious mistakes, not realizing that something is wrong until after it is too late, and the job goes to someone else.

The 10 greatest blunders you are probably making in your job search—catch them before they hold you back:
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Top Ten: Best Practices for Social Media in Background Checks

Background Checks Best Practices

Recently, a survey found that half of all background checks by employers include a search on social media platforms.

In some cases, this operation requires candidates to disclose usernames, passwords, and other information to have access to and Twitter accounts, e-mail, blogs, and other online content for review by prospective employers.

This has triggered a flurry of state and federal regulations to govern employer overreach, including:

  • Calling for federal investigations
  • Introducing Congressional bills prohibiting the use of online posts as part of the hiring decision
  • State legislators introducing and passing legislation prohibiting employers from requiring candidates to disclose credentials to access content posted on social media sites

What should recruiters, human resources departments and hiring managers do?

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Top Ten Human Resources Trends of the Decade

Four Human Resources Trends

By Susan M. Heathfield,  for

Top Ten Human Resources Trends of the DecadeThe top ten trends of the decade for Human Resources staff and the employees served at work were not obvious nor were they easy to pick from my original list. Depending on your company size, your location, and the health and progress of your company and industry, the top ten Human Resources trends may have differed for you.

Although the selection was a challenge, and I still go back and forth, these are my top ten Human Resources trends of the decade. These Human Resources trends are presented in no particular order aside from the first trend, which has swamped HR the past couple of years. Continue reading

Top Ten: Leadership!

Regional Leadership Forum
Leadership (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Vince Lombardi once said:

“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. “

In some ways, we all possess an innate ability to become leaders—as a friend, spouse, parent or business specialist. In the role of the Human Resources professional, leadership can certainly be the most valuable skill, something used to create a successful, productive workplace.

We all carry leadership traits within us, just waiting for the opportunity to present itself. All it takes is a sincere desire to use these tools to get the job done.
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