Category: Top Ten

Top Ten: Your First Day On the Job

Image: Flickr

Preparing for your first day on a new job can be more than a little intimidating; you are stepping into an environment with many unknowns—variables that are next to impossible to get before you step into the office.

It can be frightening, but is also one of the most exciting moments in your life. Although you think you are prepared, it couldn’t hurt for have a few tips to make things easier.

Ten ways to succeed on the first day on the job; think of them as a last-minute preparation checklist: Continue reading

Top Ten: Management Expectations Of HR

Ten Things CEO’s Expect From Their HR Departments
Employee of the Month Reserved Parking Sign
(Photo credits:

For the Human Resources professional, they always seem to be working two sides of the same coin.

On one hand, there is the idealistic nature of HR—an essential part of a corporate vision. They are the people who effectively recruit, hire and encourage talent to become valuable team members and elements of a positive, nurturing corporate culture.

However, more often than not, HR staff is pressured by management to be acting as the enforcement arm of the company. They are relegated to be the keepers of order in the workplace; often being the “bad guys” of the office — referees in personality clashes or “den mothers” to discipline employees.

HR departments always seem to be on the losing end of a conflict; bearers of bad news. They are the messengers workers would like to “shoot.” Continue reading

Top Ten: Tips for Hiring Passive Candidates

Ten tips for improving efforts to hire passive candidates.Most workers see themselves as “passive candidates”—already employed full-time, but searching for new opportunities. They are willing to change employers, if the right prospects come along.

A well-defined system can help tap into this pool of these passive candidates, and turning them into high-performing team members.  However, engaging passive candidates require particular attention.

Ten tips for improving efforts to hire passive candidates: Continue reading

Top Ten: Mature Workforce More Valued

Adecco Survey: Top 10 Jobs for Mature Workers for National Employ Older Workers Week

Top Ten Jobs For Mature WorkersThe number of job seekers over the age of 50 is rising, and both hiring managers and human resources departments are beginning to recognize the value mature workers can bring to a company.

According to a new study by Adecco Staffing, hiring managers are much more likely–3 times as much–to hire a mature worker (60 percent) than a Millennial, someone born after the mid-1980s (20 percent).

The survey polled hiring managers across a variety of industries about their views of mature workers, as opposed to Millennials. Continue reading