Give Thanks with the Post-Interview Thank You Note

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on weighty things, and to give thanks for what we have.  For many people, saying thanks doesn’t come easily. In fact, to them “thank you” is considered a lost art.

For example, take the post-interview “thank you” note. Why would a thing so easy—and something that could put you at the head of the candidate pack—be so scarce?

Interview pros say it is necessary to send a thank you note after every interview. What is baffling is that few job seekers actually do it.

A sincere and well-written thank you note will get you noticed, giving you an edge over other candidates. A quick note can reveal a number of traits to potential employers, first of all a show of gratitude. If you appreciate the opportunity to interview, you will also appreciate the job.

There are many motives behind thank you notes. They can you a chance to restate your interest in the opportunity, and it gives you a chance to add things you forgot to mention during the interview.

You can also “touch base” to remind the interviewer who you are; give an overview of a few key points discussed during the interview; show some of the ways you can solve the problems of a potential employer.

This infographic by The Ladders gives you the reasons the Thank You Note should be on your Thanksgiving gratitude list.

Infographic after the jump…


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