History of Social Media [Infographic]

History of Social MediaLet me tell you a secret…

“Social Media” is not a new phenomenon.

In addition, the activity we call “social sharing” is something we have been doing for years—especially outside the popular platforms like  and .

Since the creation of the Internet (the first ARPANET email was sent in 1971) users have shared information through “dark social” —methods such as instant messenger and email.

In fact, over half (60 percent) of referrals come from “dark “methods, while only 20 percent come from and other established social sites.

It may be surprising that, from the beginning, the Internet (as well as every website) is designed to connect, collaborate and communicate. What is the online experience, but to exchange ideas and information?

Copyblogger has created an infographic that illustrates the history of social media. It becomes clear that the Internet is social, and always will be…

Infographic after the jump…

A History of Social Media [Infographic] - Infographic

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Sources: Beth Hayden/Senior Staff Writer for Copyblogger Media. Get more from Beth on  and .  Rafal Tomal /Copyblogger Media’s Lead Designer. More from Rafal on .