How Happy Employees Affect Your Business
Every employee wants to work in a happy office.
More importantly, happy employees are better for the bottom line!
By Arlene Chandler for HRNewsDaily:
Everyone loves a happy office; a work environment where everyone gets along, gets work done quickly and efficiently, and still has time to email funny cat pictures to each other is an ideal set up, but the benefits go well beyond the general day-to-day enjoyment.
Along with keeping the HR department satisfied, an office full of happy workers helps dramatically with business ventures, and if you’re running a workplace that seems more like a sweatshop, here are a few things your company is missing out on.
Holding onto Quality Employees
The economy is slowly improving, and more job opportunities are opening up every day. What this means is that employees are no longer desperate for any job that comes their way, and they are much more likely to leave a job they find unsatisfactory. Your employees are your biggest asset, so make sure you’re treating them in a way that will make them want to stick around.
Losing employees results in a big profit loss; the time and money it takes to hire someone new and provide effective training is never in the company’s best interest, and you can easily reduce the amount of time you have to spend on that process by creating a comfortable and respectful work environment.
Increasing Productivity
It’s a simple fact of life; people are more willing to work harder and invest themselves more into any task if they feel good about what they’re doing, and in turn, employees feel better about slacking off when they feel underappreciated or overlooked. Depending on your line of work, it might be hard to make the workplace a “fun” atmosphere, but there are certainly steps you can take to make the day more bearable.
Showing your employees that you appreciate them by attempting to make a genuine connection goes a long way in encouraging them to follow through on their responsibilities.
Positive Advertising by Word of Mouth
Believe it or not, your employees talk a lot about work when they’re off the clock, and the information they relay to others can either benefit your company’s image or destroy it. Small businesses often only hold up next to major corporations because of how they’re perceived by the public, but if you’re employees are constantly complaining that you’re not offering them any benefits, scheduling them enough hours, or allowing for any time off, you’ll suffer the consequences.
With a world full of so many choices, it’s easy for customers take their business elsewhere, and companies whose practices reflect a humanitarian approach are much more appealing to the general public.
Resolving Problems Faster
Mistakes happen, but as unavoidable as they are, a comfortable work environment allows for a quicker fixes; the faster a problem is brought to your attention, the more immediately it can be resolved. On the other hand, if you create a stressful, high-strung work environment, don’t be surprised if your employees try to cover any issues up because they’re too nervous to come to you with their problems.
Part of being an effective leader is learning how to keep your employees relaxed and calm in the midst of company chaos.
There are many ways you can help your employees stay satisfied with their jobs, and the end result is beneficial to both your company and your employee’s well-being. Happy employees tend to stick around, work harder, promote your company, and display honesty, and if you’re wondering if you’re doing your part in creating a helpful work atmosphere, it’s important to ask yourself, “Would I want to work for me?”
Arlene Chandler is a freelance writer who loves helping people prepare for life’s unexpected turns. She currently writes about finance tips, career advice, and income protection insurance (Suncorp).