How To Look Credible Even If You Lack Experience

Part of a winning job search strategy is having confidence in your abilities.

However, there is more to confidence in a job interview than talking the talk–you have to walk the walk. Having credibility is more than just determination and poise.

From the Personal Branding Blog:

Q&A With Pete Leibman, Author of “I Got My Dream Job and So Can You”

“Dear Pete: How can I look credible if I’m just getting started in a new field?”

Pete’s Response:

If you have been featured on national TV or have written a best-selling book, you don’t need to worry about being seen as credible. However, what do you do if you are just starting out, either as a young professional or someone looking to establish credibility in a new field or industry?

Here are 5 secrets to being seen as credible even if you are inexperienced: