Human Resources Seduced by the Cloud?
The ease and cost-effectiveness of cloud-based technology can be extremely seductive for human resources. Why not? SaaS can automate many HR functions, leaving more time to develop and promote top talent.
Although there are many reasons why the cloud will seduce human resources, here are some ways to keep it from becoming HR’s next nightmare!
For many companies, the choice is crystal clear. Providing the human resources function in today’s marketplace, your business must start looking to the cloud.
However, there could be a massive problem. If done wrong, moving HR to the cloud could be your next human resources nightmare.
The good news; it doesn’t have to be.
Software-as-a-service (SaaS) transforms the way business, especially human resources, handles daily operations. From recruitment and hiring, to onboarding, training, timekeeping and compliance, cloud-based services has made many HR functions quickly, conveniently and almost automatically.
The key to cloud-based SaaS is going with the right provider.
You need to ask the right questions when selecting a cloud-based HR technology vendor. In a recent study by human resources consulting firm Towers Watson, nearly 31 percent of companies plan to increase spending on HR software in 2013.
It is no surprise that many businesses are now looking to the cloud for answers to issues like recruitment, hiring and other human resources functions.
Cloud computing is more efficient, secure and less expensive substitute for conventional software. SaaS has few implementation costs, other than a fixed internet access.
Of course, human resources departments are responsible for monitoring the legal exposure for businesses. Due diligence is essential to make sure your cloud-based provider will keep you in compliance, protect employee information, and offer the best system functionality, reliability and security of your data.
Follow this infographic, and avoid a disaster in the cloud.
Infographic after the jump…
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