Are Paper Resumes Dead?

A few employers are signaling the paper resume is dead! They look at social media, and Klout scores. Some even go as far as asking for resumes through .

Klout instead of Resume?
Klout, Kred, Twitter and others may be the death of the paper resume.

Get ready for the moment you see a job post saying, “no paper resumes.” Companies will identify qualified candidates by social media influence on Klout and Twitter, using hashtags for job seekers to apply for jobs.

The paper resume is dying.

In the (very) near future, recruiters, human resources departments and hiring managers will use the Web for a candidate’s record of qualifications and social networks will be mass references.

Employers that are not social will lag behind.

Today’s job seekers are involved, but not in ways best described with a traditional paper resume. Most exceptional talent, largely passive candidates, are active on social networks.

Human Resources: Free live ovation demoMore human resources departments are spending time searching for candidates on the Web, more time than staring at paper resumes.

Some companies will only consider candidates with a minimum of 1,000 Twitter followers, or a minimum Klout score of 60 and a minimum influence score of 725 on Kred.

Klout and Kred are two promising metrics to categorize social media activity.

Human resources are starting to require applicants to have a social presence. It may not be comprehensive yet, but it is becoming universal—soon. As of now, social media is fair game in talent acquisition. An active digital footprint benefits job seekers and recruiters.

However, reliance on social media alone may come with a price—hiring practices that may give false positives.

Learn to hire the best talent on the Ovation blog!Quantity versus quality is the key issue when looking at social media numbers. Social profiles are not the only place people go to network. Twitter followers, Klout and Kred numbers may be good early indicators, providing recruiters or managers a bit of a candidate’s ability to navigate the social media world. A person should have an online competency, especially when applying for positions in social media marketing and promotions.

Keep in mind; they should be only a guideline, not the final determination.

A candidate may have a terrific blog, with a robust supply of followers, but they may be only a year or two out of college. They will have limited or no experience working within a particular industry. The professional recruiter can help a hiring manager or human resources departments get the right prospects.

Right now, employers need to tread extremely carefully when using social media for talent acquisition. Social media may still be untested and uncharted territory, but one thing is certain—the death of the paper resume has begun.

It may be slow in coming, but the end of the traditional resume will happen—you can be sure of it.