Five Personality Types Human Resources Love to Hate

We all have to put up with peccadilloes at work. Here are five personality types that drive everyone nuts!

Human Resources: five personality types that drive us nuts!

Everyone has his or her own work pet peeves. There are the “neat freaks,”and then there are those who thrive on a little disorder.

A few hardy souls only drink out of their “lucky” coffee mug that hasn’t been washed since they were hired.

Human resources professionals have to deal with all personality types. Some pose more of a challenge than others do. Five personality types that drive HR people crazier than usual:

The complainer

This personality type is someone who constantly complains and points out faults. Even if they are dedicated employees, it can cause stress on a workplace. The email system is down for 30 minutes? They go out of their way to point it out. The staff needs additional workload to make a crucial deadline? They whine endlessly.

Not every issue is a crisis that needs undivided attention, nor is it something that can be controlled. Things happen every day, but not everything becomes an HR priority. This just takes time away from the problems that actually need addressing.

The last-minute worker

They are the personality type that, when given a time-sensitive task or project, waits until the VERY. LAST. MINUTE.

Time management is certainly not their strong suit. They may do a passable, even admirable, job, but you feel the need to give them an extra hour (day, or the week) to get something done.

The off-topic talker

A workplace conversation can be one of two things: an on-topic discussion related to work or a chat fest where the topic makes a “sharp turn” into who-knows-where.

For most, it is easy to identify inappropriate topics. On the other hand, individual interpretations can lead to a grey area of what is acceptable workplace talk, and what crosses the line.

Human Resources: Free live ovation demoIn general, you should avoid discussing issues that make someone uncomfortable. Things like romance, race, religion, physical appearance, health, and personal finances. In addition, you must always stay away from gossip.

You can guarantee these off-topic talkers discussing with you about others, also say things about you to others. Most of the time they appear informal, conversations taking place in elevators, hallways and even bathrooms.

If you find yourself caught in their web, instead of reacting, respond. Planned, controlled responses are the best way to keep the conversation on the topic.

The go-over-your-header

In any workplace, there can be legitimate problems. Sometimes bosses are unclear or misread a situation. After all, they are human (at least we think!)

An employee that always want to “talk to the owner” often goes right over an immediate supervisor over the most minor slight. Just as often, they come away disappointed. This lack of respect for the chain of command can cause more conflict than the original slight.

Of course, there will be times—serious violation of regulations or laws, unethical behavior, sexual harassment and discrimination, among others—issues must go up the corporate chain. However, in many cases, small infractions can be handled reasonably and satisfactorily without sounding a company-wide alarm.

The slob

One sure way to generate tension in a workplace is with a sloppy worker. Finding workers who can do their jobs in a timely, professional and accurate manner is always a challenge, but having someone who is always disorderly can bring the whole team down.

One lousy employee can have a tremendous consequence on the workplace. A careless worker sets a bad precedent for new employees. Delays and poor quality can lead to things like service complaints, which can affect business success.

Nobody minds periodically checking a co-workers work, but the slacker makes it a habit. Team members get irritated when always asked to take on extra work. Eventually, everyone gets tired of cleaning up after the slob (either physically or in work habits).

What personality type bothers you the most at work? Is it the slob, or someone who goes over your head? Perhaps someone else makes the list? We want to know! Join the conversation in the comments below.