Top Ten: Management Expectations Of HR

Ten Things CEO’s Expect From Their HR Departments
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For the Human Resources professional, they always seem to be working two sides of the same coin.

On one hand, there is the idealistic nature of HR—an essential part of a corporate vision. They are the people who effectively recruit, hire and encourage talent to become valuable team members and elements of a positive, nurturing corporate culture.

However, more often than not, HR staff is pressured by management to be acting as the enforcement arm of the company. They are relegated to be the keepers of order in the workplace; often being the “bad guys” of the office — referees in personality clashes or “den mothers” to discipline employees.

HR departments always seem to be on the losing end of a conflict; bearers of bad news. They are the messengers workers would like to “shoot.”

In reality, there are many important expectations that CEO’s have for HR personnel. Focus on these ten expectations, and HR departments can be in a position that is closer to the ideal, than just the company “police.”

The Top Ten expectations of HR Professionals by CEO’s and senior management:

  1. Collaborate, develop and disseminate the company’s corporate vision
  2. Developing sources of qualified, motivated people as a foundation for business growth.
  3. Selling the company to potential candidates and interested parties, either in person or on traditional and social media online platforms.
  4. Supporting a corporate culture which focuses on ingenuity and resourcefulness; avoiding dependence on unnecessary metrics.
  5. Recognizing and incorporating both HR and business trends that further the company mission.
  6. Encouraging all employees, including leadership and senior management, to be honest in all company dealings.
  7. Shift HR focus from a “crisis mode” model of response to issues to a proactive and organic function of every section of business operations.
  8. Developing a balanced HR system to meet regulatory compliance requirements, but not so much to overburden or keep employees back.
  9. Building a culture of collaboration that works on every level, and with every company program.
  10. Daily interaction with team members; asking for feedback on career, business and life activities — more than simple annual performance reviews and periodic surveys.