ZOMBIES! The True Cost of a Bad Hire

Forty-one percent of companies estimate that a bad hire cost them more than $25,000.
One in four say it cost them over $50,000…
And these estimates are conservative.
Yikes! I Hired a Zombie!
Image: Vitamin T

Frightening, right?

Calculating employee turnover costs is always tricky. For those brave enough to try, simply add:

  • Cost of time spent writing/posting jobs descriptions, reviewing resumes & interviewing candidates
  • Cost of time spent training & providing orientation
  • Cost of salary, benefits and perks
  • Cost of providing severance or (oh no!) dealing with a lawsuit

Then add some of the less-obvious costs:

  • Lost clients and new business opportunities
  • Substandard work with rework, due to poor skills or mistakes
  • Inefficient management of time and resources
  • Missed deadlines
  • Poor attitudes and lower morale

The numbers are gruesome and impact both hiring managers and their teams.

Vitamin T created an infographic to help you avoid hiring the wrong person. They have worked with thousands of clients of all shapes and sizes, so they know how to spot a zombie.

Besides, we all love zombies… As long as you don’t hire one!

Infographic after the jump…

Infographic: Vitamintalent.com